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Useful Information and Links for Parents:

Click on the links below for sites that may be of interest to parents of LA and LD students. 
Homework Help:
Many of the links posted on the Student page are also helpful for parents helping their children at home (for example Khan Academy).
Learning Strategies:
- use of a planner to keep track of homework, quiz and test dates
- organization of a student's binder(s), including dating all notes and work to keep it in order
- reading the chapter of the textbook (more than once) that the class is currently learning
-rereading notes and other information multiple times in order to learn material
-pre-plan writing - use graphic organizers our outlines to plan writing assignments
-use a word processing program to assist with spelling and grammar
-quiz a student orally to see if they understand or can paraphrase information
-check the internet for websites that can assist a student with the material they need to learn (for example, if a student is preparing for a map quiz there may be multiple websites that offer free map quizzes for that particular region). 
For LD students:
-use audio books or text reader software (Kurzweil, Google Chrome text readers, Read and Write) to have materials read to students
-use text reader software to have materials a student has written in word processing programs read back to them
-use word processing programs where possible for written work or Speech to text programs (there are many free, online ones) and transfer answers into Word documents
-some operating systems have voice recognition software - explore the software to see if it would benefit your child while working at home
Learning Disabilities:
Learning Disabilities Association of BC
The Learning Difficulties Centre of BC (in Prince George) - a local centre that offers support and tutoring for LD students
Learning Disabilities Association Vancouver - lots of information about Learning Disabilities


LD Online - An American website that has a lot of relevant information, readings, etc that may be useful for parents of LD students.
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